
Ace, a quintessential British rock band, emerged in the early 1970s, captivating audiences with their distinctive blend of rock, soul, and pop. Formed in 1972, the band consisted of talented musicians: Paul Carrack (vocals and keyboards), Alan “Bam” King (guitar), Phil Harris (guitar), Terry Comer (bass), and Steve Witherington (drums). Their journey from local gigs to international stardom is a testament to their musical prowess and perseverance.

Ace’s early days were spent honing their craft in the vibrant London pub rock scene, where their soulful melodies and tight performances quickly garnered a loyal following. Their big break came in 1974 when they signed with Anchor Records and released their debut album, “Five-A-Side.” The album’s standout track, “How Long,” written by Carrack, became an instant classic and propelled Ace to the forefront of the rock music scene. The song’s smooth groove and poignant lyrics resonated with listeners, earning it a spot in the top 20 of the UK Singles Chart and peaking at number three on the Billboard Hot 100 in the United States.

Despite the success of “How Long,” Ace faced challenges in replicating the same level of commercial achievement with their subsequent releases. Their second album, “Time for Another,” and third album, “No Strings,” showcased their musical evolution but failed to produce another hit of the same magnitude. Nevertheless, Ace’s influence on the 1970s rock landscape remained undeniable, with their sound bridging the gap between traditional rock and the emerging soft rock genre.

Internal conflicts and lineup changes eventually led to the band’s dissolution in 1977. Paul Carrack’s departure to pursue a solo career and join other successful acts, such as Roxy Music and Squeeze, marked the end of Ace’s brief but impactful existence. However, their legacy lives on through “How Long,” a timeless anthem that continues to inspire and captivate music lovers across generations.

In summary, Ace’s contribution to 1970s rock music is marked by their soulful sound, memorable performances, and enduring hit, “How Long.” Their journey from pub rock to international acclaim highlights the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of the music industry during that era.